In mid March, 2020, the state of South Carolina shut down. Schools closed, restaurants and bars moved to take out or curbside delivery. Non-essential stores were shuttered. There's been a lot of speculation as to how these changes would impact the local market and Aiken real Continue Reading
Aiken County Farmers Market
South Carolina's Oldest Farmers Market The Aiken County Farmers Market is piece of colorful fabric in the quilt of Aiken's historic southern culture. It is the oldest farmer's market in continuous operation in the same location in the state of South Carolina. Though its Continue Reading
Small Ways to Make BIG Changes- Aiken’s Renaissance
Aiken's Renaissance There's a lot of talk around town right now about the Aiken Revitalization Project, AKA Aiken's Renaissance Plan. While the concept of improving Aiken's Downtown sounds positive, not everyone is on board with the proposed changes. You can find more Continue Reading